ZMW - Kwacha zambien

The Kwacha zambien is the currency of Zambie. Our currency rankings show that the most popular Kwacha zambien exchange rate is the ZMW to USD rate. The currency code for Zambia Kwacha is ZMW, and the currency symbol is ZK. Below, you'll find Kwacha zambien rates and a currency converter.

Kwacha zambien Stats

NameKwacha zambien
Minor unit1/100 = Ngwee
Minor unit symbolN
Top ZMW conversionZMW to USD
Top ZMW chartZMW to USD chart

Kwacha zambien Profile

Central bankBank of Zambia

Taux de change en direct

EUR / USD1,08357
GBP / EUR1,17341
USD / JPY147,286
GBP / USD1,27148
USD / CHF0,861517
USD / CAD1,34052
EUR / JPY159,595
AUD / USD0,661472

Taux de la banque centrale

DeviseInterest Rate
JPY-0,10 %
CHF1,75 %
EUR4,50 %
USD5,50 %
CAD5,00 %
AUD4,35 %
NZD5,50 %
GBP5,25 %